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Thursday 10 10 2024 07:14


Lingdale Golf Club

Midlands England






6,462 yards



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"All golfers should be protected every time they go out on the course, a golf insurance policy is therefore essential."

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Lingdale Golf Club Details:

Joe Moores Lane

Woodhouse Eaves


LE12 8TF

Tel: 01509 890684

Email: secretary@lingdalegolfclub.co.uk

Web: www.lingdalegolfclub.co.uk

Location: The course is located less than 10 minutes from junctions 21/22/23 of the M1 motorway.
Nearest Town:
Restrictions: Vouchers not accepted on Saturdays until p.m.
Description: Lingdale nestles in the beautiful surroundings of Charnwood Forest with spectacular views and a variety of wild life all around. Visitors are given a warm welcome amd are treated to a golf course which challenges golfers of all abilities. The course is less than 10 minutes from junctions 21/22/23 of the M1 motorway

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